Monday, March 30, 2015


POST TRANSPLANT DAY 67 (today) IS A BIG DAY! WILLIAM HAS PLATELET ENGRAFTMENT! This is the last step in stem cell transplants-a HUGE milestone. 👍💙

In short, he hasn't needed a blood transfusion in over a month, and now he is making his own platelets! Platelets are the last to take hold. Now that he hasn't needed platelets in over a week, William is officially platelet engrafted! A BIG BIG DAY! His levels will fluctuate a bit before the numbers go up exponentially, but they are no longer going down, which a HUGE! HE'S MAKING HIS OWN PLATELETS! Yay!!!!

39 more days until post transplant day 100 (the earliest we can go home)! We still have a long way to go, but this is the first time I've let myself think past tomorrow in a long, long time. 💙😄

Thank you for your support, we wouldn't had made it this far without it!

Love, The Branches

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